
Zia Khan
The superhero of the plywood family

The superhero of the plywood family

The superhero of the plywood family.   Today we’re excited to talk about one of the key materials we use in our furniture-making process – marine Plywood. Something, that perhaps we should have done ages ago, but hey, all in good time. Known for its exceptional durability and strength, marine Plywood is the backbone of our high-quality collection of multifunctional objects for the home. So, what makes marine Plywood so unique? Imagine a material that combines the beauty of natural wood with the resilience of modern engineering—that’s marine plywood. Crafted from multiple thin layers of premium wood veneers, each layer...

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Zia Khan
Crafted with Integrity: Our Commitment to Fair Trade

Crafted with Integrity: Our Commitment to Fair Trade

We are thrilled to announce that, as of 2023, we have become Independent Producers for Aarong, marking a major milestone in our journey. This achievement reflects our commitment to ethical craftsmanship and empowering artisans in Bangladesh.

 Why Aarong?
 Since 1978, Aarong has been empowering rural artisans, growing into Bangladesh’s leading lifestyle brand with 28 stores. As the retail wing of BRAC, the world’s largest NGO, Aarong’s profits support BRAC’s incredible work for vulnerable communities worldwide. Aarong, as a member of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), ensures that all its products are crafted with care, skill, and respect for the...

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Zia Khan
Top Drawer Autumn 2023

Top Drawer Autumn 2023

This September we were delighted to be exhibiting at Top Drawer Autumn 2023. This event marked a significant transformation in our journey, transitioning from a business-to-consumer (B2B) model to a business-to-business (B2B) approach. Top Drawer offered us a platform to showcase our designs and connect with retailers, industry leaders and of course with a diverse community of design enthusiasts. Interacting with visitors and fellow exhibitors provided invaluable feedback. We look forward to the journey ahead. If you are interested in stocking Dottypix products, please get in touch as we’d love to hear from you!

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Zia Khan
Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

  The time is 2099. Wood is coveted. Plants and trees are precious, embodying life, oxygen producing air purifiers, allowing us return to basics and find the meaning of what truly matters. Amidst this newfound gratitude for nature, we learnt to appreciate an expression of shape and simplicity. We embraced the wisdom of design where multifunctionality meets objects with difference and originality. In the context of this futuristic vision, the concept of plant stands becomes more than just functional pieces of furniture, they symbolise a deep respect for the importance of plant life that sustains our ecosystem. The stands we...

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